Wednesday, January 31, 2007


One of the things that I had not prepared for or had a realization of about moving into and expat community,was friends leaving.This happens on a regular basis as most people that you meet in the English speaking community are here on contract for 3,4 or more years. The friendship you make here are formed stronger more quickly as you rely on each other so much .Last night we had a farewell raclette with some beautiful friends who are moving back to the States in 12 days. Yuck!!! The really yucky part is that they had a fantastic Wine Keller which we visited frequently. There is an up side of making friends with all different people is that you have lots of places in the world to visit and also great people in these destination to visit. However the down side is that you are regularly getting your heart ripped out. Yuck!!!!!

Raclette is one of Jack and Max's favourite meals. Last night we tried it with red wine and it was good.

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