Saturday, March 18, 2006

A Week in Review

It is still amazes me how hours become days ,days become weeks and weeks become months. This for me seems to rush past me like a speed train and I after my hair has settled I am facing the beginning of another week or month before I know it. It is strange this morning to wake and not see the world from my bedroom window covered in white dusting of icing. I am not sure however I think we have seen the last of the snow as the weather came above 0 degrees this week. This is a welcome change particularly for the Swiss as they are well and truly over it. For us the novelty has not warn off and we love seeing the winter wonderland. Hoping next week to take the kids skiing again before the season totally disappears. The biggest boy is really keen to hit the slopes. I am still not convinced about the whole sliding on 2 flat sticks down a hill is for me.
This week was highlighted by an impromptu pizza party at Kitschenettes, with Max an avid Red Kitchen follower, helping out in 'The Kitchen'.
Jack, Little Max,Big Max, Lola love spending time together particularly when food is involved. Don't know where they all get their love of the good things in life from!!!!
Graham was home for most of the week so lots of Daddy time, which is really loved by the boys and much appreciated by me. Some scraping, I am totally enjoying my time out on a Tuesday ,it is so filled with memories, working through all our photo's. Dinner with our beautiful friends A Co-Pilot brain and his gorgeous wife. Fondue was on the menu and I must say it rates up there as on of the best we have had. Thursday was a huge day. We took Kitschette and went shopping in Germany. This was a huge day, however loads of fun, highlighted by a delicious morning tea at a cute tea room in Waldshut. Kitschenette and I indulged in mini raspberry Cheese Cakey things, worth a photo but we left that at home. It was a fun childless day, filled with adult conversation and no distractions. This is going to become a monthly event for us as the cost savings are huge and the day away is sensational. The last big event for the week was my German exam yesterday. This exam accounted for nothing in the scheme of life but I was petrified, due mainly to the lack of study on my part. However, much to my surprise I know more than I thought and got 83/100. Yeah to me!!!! This morning I off with some ladies to The Tea Room in Zurich for more adult conversation to practice our German with native.

1 comment:

Parkinson Family said...

It is so great to hear all about what you guys are doing. We are missing you guys so much and it is so hard to believe that in 2 months it is a year since our big trip over there!!! We so want to come again but the money tree has died due to water restrictions! Love you